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White Room Beauty Blog

A breath of Swiss air for your skin

Discover the Det02x Cream Limited Edition                                                       

Spring is on the almost here, so say goodbye to dull grey complexions, a direct consequence of the pollution that invades our cities, particularly during the winter.

Air quality has a direct impact on our skin. It becomes more vulnerable as it’s asphyxiated by carbon dioxide and sensitized by fine particles. Deprived of clean oxygen, the complexion dulls and the ageing process accelerates.

Furthermore, as the skin is the last organ to receive the benefits of our nutrition, toxins accumulate and arise in various ways: dull complexion, wrinkles, and imperfections.

You can offer your skin a beautiful, oxygenating detox cure with Valmont’s Deto2x cream.

As effective as a daily breath of fresh air, the oxygenating and detoxifying Deto2x Cream 

acts as a revolutionary weapon against the harmful effects of the pollution that we are increasingly exposed to and it is now also available in this beautiful 90ml Limited Edition.

More on Det02x Cream>

Like whipped cream

Savour the  unique, soft “whipped cream” texture. To be applied each morning, this airy treatment merges with the skin and infuses it with a new energy by eliminating excess carbon dioxide, all the while providing it with a fast, direct supply of oxygen to stimulate cell rejuvenation throughout the entire day.

How to use

Each morning, remove the foam that has formed on the surface of the pot and, without warming it, apply small dots to your face. Massage it into the skin by lightly tapping the product. To further multiply the effects, here’s a little tip: apply Deto2x Cream  with a brush to release the oxygen closest to the epidermis.

Goodbye dull complexion. All the elements have come together to allow your skin to breathe. It’s plumped and smooth, making your features refreshed and relaxed.

More on Prime Regenera 1>

Combine with Prime Regenera 1 to maximise benefits

For optimal oxygenation, complete this detoxifying ritual by using Valmont’s  oxygenating and energizing cream Prime Regenera 1 as your night cream

Together, these two form the perfect duo to reveal radiant, healthy skin. Prime Regenera 1 stimulates cell renewal throughout the night, making it the perfect follow-up to the Deto2x Cream    which provides you with fresh oxygen throughout the day, giving you plump skin that’s recharged with energy every morning.

Welcome Springtime with a clear, bright oxygenated complexion.

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