The accumulation of dirt, pollutants, and free radicals throughout the day can clog pores and lead to dullness, breakouts, and premature aging. Cleansing and exfoliating are fundamental skincare steps as they remove impurities and dead skin cells to reveal a smoother, healthier complexion.
Their importance goes beyond surface level appearance, as they are essential to the skin health, restoring the skin’s microbiome, preventing breakouts, and enhancing the efficacy of the other skincare products in your regime.
Here are three routines to either start or finish your day to cleanse, energise and refresh your skin.
Cellcosmet - Gentle Purifying Cleanser: milky cleansing and make-up removing gel
Cellcosmet - Exfoliant Dual Action: dual action exfoliant with a creamy formula
Cellcosmet - Precious Mask: skin-harmonising, radiance-revealing gel-cream mask
Nescens - Cleansing Gel-Face: anti-aging face cleanser
Nescens - Metabolic Activator Toner–Face: anti-aging moisturizing & soothing face toner
Nescens - Keratolytic Complex–Face: anti-aging face intensive peeling
Valmont - Icy Falls: refreshing make-up removing jelly
Valmont – Primary Veil: soothing, refreshing milky emulsion
Valmont – LumiMask: resurfacing mask